I am a carb whore. Seriously I love carb. Bread, cake, rice, pastry, noodle….any kind….I don’t discriminate. I remember when I was a kid, my grandma and mom worried because I literally lived off of asian-pastry. Knowing that, whenever I feel like I need to shed a few pounds, I go on low carb for a few weeks. And Chicken Jerky makes the best snack when I feel like munching. Forget store-bought ones. They are $$ and mega loaded with salt. So make it at home. Cheaper and so much healthier. I ate this throughout the day to stop my crash….I recently realized my oven has a ‘dehydrate’ menu. Duhhh! Game changer. Let’s get ‘Dehydrate Party’ started!
1 lb chicken breast tender
Marinate : 1/2 cup soy sauce, 1/4 cup maple syrup, 1 teaspoon garlic powder, 1 teaspoon ground ginger, and LOTS of black pepper
1. Wash chicken tender. Pat dry.
2. Put it in the freezer for 30 mins or so to make cutting easier.
3. Cut the meat into very thin pieces.
4. Marinate in a zip lock bag overnight.
5. Turn on Dehydrate menu on your oven (or 170’F)
6. Place meat slices on a tray (make sure to put some foil underneath to catch all drippings)
7. Dehydrate about 6-7 hours (I usually put it in when I go to bed and let it dehydrate overnight)
8. Follow by heating up at 275’F for 10 mins.
9. Let them dry.
10. Store in a ziplock bag. Keep in the refrigerator.

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