Once I took my dusty food processor out for a ride, it was like a game changer. Why didn’t I use it more often before? You can literally blend everything into magical ‘sauce’!
Here, you guys, is a recipe that will change your ‘sauce making’ routine.
A can tuna, caper and anchovies. I know. But no one has to know. Just sneak it in there. Whatever happens in the kitchen, stays in the kitchen. To make you feel better about this, a can of tuna has been used to make yummy tomato sauce or cream sauce for pasta. So it’s ok, just open that damn can.
1 can of tuna drained
3 tsp caper
3~4 anchovies
1/4 lime
1 cup roughly chopped cilantro
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 ripe avocado
1 large garlic
sprinkles of red pepper flake
(2 tsp mayo if you want)
salt/pepper to taste
Blend all the above till creamy in a food processor!!!
You can,
• Drizzle on top of ‘Zucchini pasta’. Garnish with thinly sliced sugar snap pea.
• Serve with scrambles eggs for breakfast
• With chicken breast
• Taco
Yay Baby!

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